Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New ruby birthstone + Chapter 2 of the story.

Hey guys, what's up? Today we've got the new ruby birthstone for July, a good way to enter the new month.
 Sorry for not posting yet lately, forgive me. I have been busy, and tired. So here is chapter 2.
                                    Chapter 2: Traveling back
While Icy was traveling back, she started day dreaming about a wolf, and an arctic fox. She couldn't understand why she was dreaming, and why in the day instead of the night. As she keep going, she found wolves and arctic foxes, and gathered them as one, and journeyed with them back to Jamaa. Soon, the wolves and arctic foxes began mating with each other, and borned lots of baby arctic wolves. Icy couldn't believe it. Thats why I've been dreaming about them. My ancestors have been telling me I was born as the daughter of a wolf and an arctic fox. Icy thought. She felt happy, warm deep inside. She finally found other arctic wolves and was able to bring them to Jamaa. At least she was not a lone. Continuing their travel, Icy found more animals to bring to Jamaa. She even found the Alphas! She soon became a part of Jamaa history. ~
Thats all guys, hoped you enjoyed! At the ending you may think; That's all of the whole story? No, it isn't. Check out my blog every Tuesday for more chapters!

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