Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer Umbrella hat

Hey guys, welcome to another post. We have another summer item in our hands... Summer umbrella hat! Found at the Summer carnival (of course) and cost is 1,000 tickets.
 What do we have at the Daily Explorer? Hmm lets see....

 The pic is not perfect, though its OK. :) Hmm, I have not tried the new adventure 'In too deep' yet. Though its does look interesting.... Today is the World Cup finals, Germany vs. Argentina. Who will win this incredible match and claim the World Cup?

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Again, sorry for not posting and new item!

Hi guys, Im really sorry for not posting lately, I have been recording and blah blah blah with videos I totally forgot about blogging. Sorry! I really need Paw writers so yea.... Anyway for our today's new item, its a diamond tiara!!! Its getting royal at this moment.... :)
Awesome... though Im not into tiaras anymore. -.-  Anyway, lets continue with our post and wrap it up with a question. Whats your favorite item on AJ? Well, answer on the poll on the right!!! Peace out guys. :D

Monday, July 7, 2014

RIM+ Big sorry for not posting :(

Hi guys, long time no see.  So today's RIM is....
 950 gems. O.O Im a samuri. He ya! Sorry, it is pretty nice though. Get more gems at the Codes page! Anyway, go get it at the Jam Mart Clothing, click this button <-- 2 times and you'll see it. Rare are always hiding!!! Oh and we need a poem... umm lets see.
Poem title: Sorry for not posting.
Im so sorry for not posting.
I just get a little too busy.
Busy with my music video.
Im so sorry for not posting.
I just get lazy, and play AJ instead.
Why did I even say that?
I just wanna say...
Im sorry for not posting.
~ By Bhoang.
Weird poem right? I couldn't think of anything better. So yea, end of the post for now. Follow me, subscribe to my channel, and go a head and enjoy the blog!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New ruby birthstone + Chapter 2 of the story.

Hey guys, what's up? Today we've got the new ruby birthstone for July, a good way to enter the new month.
 Sorry for not posting yet lately, forgive me. I have been busy, and tired. So here is chapter 2.
                                    Chapter 2: Traveling back
While Icy was traveling back, she started day dreaming about a wolf, and an arctic fox. She couldn't understand why she was dreaming, and why in the day instead of the night. As she keep going, she found wolves and arctic foxes, and gathered them as one, and journeyed with them back to Jamaa. Soon, the wolves and arctic foxes began mating with each other, and borned lots of baby arctic wolves. Icy couldn't believe it. Thats why I've been dreaming about them. My ancestors have been telling me I was born as the daughter of a wolf and an arctic fox. Icy thought. She felt happy, warm deep inside. She finally found other arctic wolves and was able to bring them to Jamaa. At least she was not a lone. Continuing their travel, Icy found more animals to bring to Jamaa. She even found the Alphas! She soon became a part of Jamaa history. ~
Thats all guys, hoped you enjoyed! At the ending you may think; That's all of the whole story? No, it isn't. Check out my blog every Tuesday for more chapters!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lollipop necklace + Comment system in the Daily Explorer

Hey guys, welcome to another post! ~ So found in the Summer carnival, is the new, yummy, lollipop necklace! He he he, I just wanna eat it.
 Next, is the comment system. On the daily explorer. How can you comment? Click 'Leave a comment' and then login if you haven't yet your user and pass. Then just comment!
Bye I rlly gtg.

Freedom Raccoon Hat + New music :)

Hey jammers. what's up in Jamaa? The freedom party is back along with a new item, the freedom raccoon hat at the party. And we have new music, for the ocean dens.
 I love the music, though I didn't know you have to put it in your ocean den! :( How I didn't know? Well I went to someones den and it was a crystal palace and had that music! I was like wow. OK, now for the fashion person. Well, I don't have anyone in mind, though I would say, a person with this popular look would be in fashion: Wear backward cap, spike, spike wristband, elf tail armor, and a worn. I forgot to get a screen shot of it! Anyway, its time I get to the next post for today. Sorry for the late post, I will be starting 'Paw Writers' where you can post in this blog, for like once a week or whenever I don't post. XD. To be one, write in the comments what day you are open, what times, your username, mock post, and reason. And you must have a google account. If you receive a jam-a-gram on animal jam, say, Congrats, your a paw writer, or something close to that and from 'bhoang', your a paw writer. So yea, jammers keep jamming, bye!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Straw hat + New updates!

Hey guys, so today's new item is a clothing, and it is a straw hat! Made out of straw of course!
 OK, lets get a move on to the updates. I am not going to show you pictures, though I will show you a video about the updates!
So yea.... wait one more thing; a glitch! So a glitch I've noticed is, well there is an incorrect spelling for study table, instead it is called sturdy table. Though in this pic you will not see the table.
 See? So thats all I guess... Bhoang out!