Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lollipop necklace + Comment system in the Daily Explorer

Hey guys, welcome to another post! ~ So found in the Summer carnival, is the new, yummy, lollipop necklace! He he he, I just wanna eat it.
 Next, is the comment system. On the daily explorer. How can you comment? Click 'Leave a comment' and then login if you haven't yet your user and pass. Then just comment!
Bye I rlly gtg.

Freedom Raccoon Hat + New music :)

Hey jammers. what's up in Jamaa? The freedom party is back along with a new item, the freedom raccoon hat at the party. And we have new music, for the ocean dens.
 I love the music, though I didn't know you have to put it in your ocean den! :( How I didn't know? Well I went to someones den and it was a crystal palace and had that music! I was like wow. OK, now for the fashion person. Well, I don't have anyone in mind, though I would say, a person with this popular look would be in fashion: Wear backward cap, spike, spike wristband, elf tail armor, and a worn. I forgot to get a screen shot of it! Anyway, its time I get to the next post for today. Sorry for the late post, I will be starting 'Paw Writers' where you can post in this blog, for like once a week or whenever I don't post. XD. To be one, write in the comments what day you are open, what times, your username, mock post, and reason. And you must have a google account. If you receive a jam-a-gram on animal jam, say, Congrats, your a paw writer, or something close to that and from 'bhoang', your a paw writer. So yea, jammers keep jamming, bye!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Straw hat + New updates!

Hey guys, so today's new item is a clothing, and it is a straw hat! Made out of straw of course!
 OK, lets get a move on to the updates. I am not going to show you pictures, though I will show you a video about the updates!
So yea.... wait one more thing; a glitch! So a glitch I've noticed is, well there is an incorrect spelling for study table, instead it is called sturdy table. Though in this pic you will not see the table.
 See? So thats all I guess... Bhoang out!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Yesterday's post + Today's

Hey guys, sorry for not posting yesterday, so here's yesterday-supposed-to-be-post. So yesterday's new item is a grand piano!
 When you change the color, it changes the color of the flowers and, uh chair? I like the flower in the vase. Its neat. Anyway, time to get going to are post... a wait I forgot to tell you another chapter of the story! Sorry guys, I don't have time though I might make another post along with the story. OK, so today's new item is... basketball hoop! Some people have the beta basketball, which is great with this item. :)
Though, it is for members. :( And today is Weekly Commenter day. Well, we don't have a Weekly Commenter. So, I guess that's all for today!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Rare Freedom Sword + Poem of the day!

Hiya Jammers! So today's Monday, lemme correct myself, RARE item Monday. And what is our rare? A freedom sword!
 It looks pretty nice, if I do say so myself.... though I'm not of the type of the fighting. I already have nm pirate sword and member one. -.- Anyway, its time to rhyme with this little poem.
Title- July 14th
About- July 14th.
       When fireworks go up in the sky....
      up, up, up and so high....
      When we dress up red, white, and blue...
      We seem to love the view....
      Today is when we celebrate USA,
      July 14 is the day when we have fun and play!
That's all for today, gotta run! Bye.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hat with dreadlocks + My first music video :D

Hey Jammers, today I'm gonna tell you today's new item, and something else. Well, you already know what the something else is because the title gave it away. Anyways, the new item is also found in the Summer Carnival, also with the price of 2,500 tickets. Its the Hat with dreadlocks!
 I think its a hat with fake thick hair attached to it, how about you? XD. And, for that little something else, its about my first music video! YAY! I made it with iMovie, and recorded it with Hope you enjoy!!!! 
It is a What does the Fox say? Music video. :) Im so proud of it. Anyway, its time for me to go... Bye!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

New Summer Kite + Question of the day...

Hello Jammers, today's new item is found at the Summer Carnival, and it is the summer kite!
It's for a lot of tickets.... :C Anyway, when I first saw it, I thought it was beta, but no! I turned out to be wrong. I like it, it reminds me of my old kite, I enjoy playing with it! So today's question is; Do you like this blog? Vote in the poll on the right!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Greely Tiki Statue, New Claw, + Fashion Girl

Hey Jammers! There are lots to get through today, so lets get started! First of all, our last Tiki statue (I think) is Greely!
 Again, did I do something wrong? Oh boy, I need to work on my behavior, lol. Ok, next we have a wolf claw found at the diamond shop for 3 diamonds! I am not happy that betas and good stuff are coming back. :( But at least I got a claw! :)
 Only this time its with wolf plushies. Ooh, look at that cute little wolf on the top! Ok, next, the Fashion girl.... in style.... my opinions.... is....  the girl in spirit armor! He he he... I pick her because its like the latest armor.
  That's all for today guys! Happy Jamming, bye!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

New Peck Tiki Statue + Weird Glitch

Hello, Jammers! So today's new item is the new peck tiki statue! Boy, did I do something wrong again?
 :T Idk.... Anyway today's glitch is... well I noticed 2 glitches though I'll tell you 1 and save the other 1 for next time. Anyway the glitch is from the game best dressed, and no it is not the glitch that you get items from that game, so pretend your a member, so your name tag has like a color, right? Though on Best Dressed its different. Idk if its a glitch but I think so....
So ya, that's all for today, bye guys!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

New Tiki statue + First Weekly Commenter

Hello Jammers! Today's new item is... Sorry no label; Graham Tiki Statue!
 He looks angry... oh my did I do something wrong? I'll try to make him happy next time. :T Anyway today is Weekly Commenter day and the Weekly Commenter is... -drum roll- Cloudclaws! Thanks for commenting, Cloudclaws, and congrats. Keeping commenting and you'll be Weekly commenter next time! Bye, Jammers!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sir Gilbert Tiki statue + First story day

Hello Jammers, by the title you can tell that today's new item is the Sir Gilbert tiki statue!
It's one of my favorites. It looks cute and cool. ^.^ He he he... Anyway now time for the story. Im just gonna make one up really, telling you chapter 1. Ok, lets get started.
Chapter 1: The first Arctic Wolf
Once, there was an Arctic wolf who wanted to explore the world. Her name was Icy. She never knew that her dad was a wolf and her mom was a arctic fox. And she never knew she was the first arctic wolf. One day, when she started to explore Jamaa, she found other animals. She thought of creating a world for animals, which now we call Jamaa. She knew there was different habitats, so she named them too. Soon she found out she was the only Arctic wolf in Jamaa. "We need more Arctic wolves." she said. So she started looking all over the world, at every inch. She looked high and low, she traveled to mountains and through woods and forests. She could not find one arctic wolf. She started to give up, then she realized that maybe she was the only arctic wolf. She decided to walk all the way back home to Jamaa. She knew it would be hard work, but she had to do it.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Rare item Monday

Hey Jammers! Some jammers have heard this rumor that rare spike are coming back today. But NO. Today's rare item instead is the rare fedora! I think the color is the secret color too.... matching with the rare worn! Yay!
 And, I'll be starting something everyday, I'll give you the schedule:
Monday: Poem day
Tuesday: Story day
Wednesday: Weekly Commenter day
Thursday: Glitch day
Friday: Fashion day
Saturday: Question day
So long for now and send me screenshots of anyone in fashion or a glitch or a story or poem. Bye!

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Hopefully, you like the logo! ^.^

Gazelle Horns are back

Hello Jammers! Have you ever wanted gazelle horns? Well today's your lucky day cuz they are in stores! Well, its also sad because a lot of jammers worked hard for them, and now AJHQ ruined it. That's how I feel because I traded a rare glove for gazelle horns.
 And then, we have exciting news! We have two new badges! Yay, and one of them is a hyena.
 So I think that's all for today.... Bye!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Too Much soccer :D

Hello Jammers, today's new item is the soccer mask. How do you even make those? Do you just get and soccer ball and cut a hole and put your head in it? How can you see?
 Hey, it also has paw prints! - . - Anyway, here is what the Daily explorer says....

Im rooting for all the teams actually. I am even watching it every day. That's all for today, see y'all!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Hello Jammers. Today's new item is a pro soccer ball! Again, the pro soccer ball is replacing the older one. But anyways, look at those cute little paw prints on the soccer ball! Perfect for the blog. I just love the style.
 -Kicks the ball- Oops, I forgot you were there. And check out the Daily Explorer's post for today;
 Hey, its a snow leopard; laughing or smiling? Idk. Bye for now jammers!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

New Updates ^.^ + New item

Hey Jammers, as you can tell by the title there are new updates to be shared. ^.^ More underwater excitement, there is a new adventure for underwater animals (the preferred animal is a dolphin).
 Next update, is.... the new Daily Spin!!! And now there are 50 colors you can choose for your animals! Yay!!!
 MORE DIAMONDS?! RARE PRIZES?! I like the sound of that...  and next the spirit armor is back in Jamaa! Found at the Diamond shop, but this year it includes a tail. And the flag shop is on sale (probably cuz no one goes there anymore lol).
 And now to announce... a new contest AJHQ prepared us! Draw an awesome accessory and send it to AJHQ! And learn how to help animals and print pages at the medical center at Kimbara Outback. 
 Oh no, lions are gonna be gone in 2 weeks! Get yours now before they're endangered. 
 And the new item is...  Pro soccer goal? Oh thats why the older soccer goal was on its last day. Now its gone; replaced by a pro one!!! Yay, my fav sport is soccer so yeah. 
  Only for 300 gems. I will soon be adding codes in the 'Codes' page. And I just want to give you a link to my channel.
Bye, jammers!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cosmo Tiki Statue + Last days of Soccer

Hello Jammers, so today's new item is the Cosmo Tiki Statue!

 And the soccer goal is on its last day, and the soccer ball will be gone in 2 days so be sure to pick them up at the Jam Mart Furniture today! And the new Cosmo Tiki Statue! Happy Jamming!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Liza Tiki Statue + Bahari Bargains sale

Hello Jammers, welcome to another post. Now what's today's news? Well, first of all, we have to go underwater to find out!
So, now that we're underwater, lets find out! So we have a new item; the Liza Tiki Statue, and a sale at Bahari Bargains! The Liza Tiki Statue is found at the den store.

 Go get the statue and buy the sale items with your underwater animal!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Rare Item Monday!

Hello Jammers, today is Rare Item Monday! So whats today's rare? A worn blanket! But this time, the color is the secret color!
 Why are betas coming back? Of course, we don't know. Some of us are not happy because of that because they worked hard for them! Maybe headdresses and party hats will come back... if this continues they won't be rare anymore! 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

New item for today!

Hey again! Have you been check out what's been new? Well today's item is... wall ivy! Wow, most of the new items are... well, plants. Anyways, sometimes summer is known for a season for harvesting crops.
 Speaking of summer, have you seen those smoothie machines in dens? They can be sold at the Cruise ship party! And I bet some of you are on a cruise right now... Enjoy the rest of the sunny day!