Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sir Gilbert Tiki statue + First story day

Hello Jammers, by the title you can tell that today's new item is the Sir Gilbert tiki statue!
It's one of my favorites. It looks cute and cool. ^.^ He he he... Anyway now time for the story. Im just gonna make one up really, telling you chapter 1. Ok, lets get started.
Chapter 1: The first Arctic Wolf
Once, there was an Arctic wolf who wanted to explore the world. Her name was Icy. She never knew that her dad was a wolf and her mom was a arctic fox. And she never knew she was the first arctic wolf. One day, when she started to explore Jamaa, she found other animals. She thought of creating a world for animals, which now we call Jamaa. She knew there was different habitats, so she named them too. Soon she found out she was the only Arctic wolf in Jamaa. "We need more Arctic wolves." she said. So she started looking all over the world, at every inch. She looked high and low, she traveled to mountains and through woods and forests. She could not find one arctic wolf. She started to give up, then she realized that maybe she was the only arctic wolf. She decided to walk all the way back home to Jamaa. She knew it would be hard work, but she had to do it.

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