Friday, June 20, 2014

Greely Tiki Statue, New Claw, + Fashion Girl

Hey Jammers! There are lots to get through today, so lets get started! First of all, our last Tiki statue (I think) is Greely!
 Again, did I do something wrong? Oh boy, I need to work on my behavior, lol. Ok, next we have a wolf claw found at the diamond shop for 3 diamonds! I am not happy that betas and good stuff are coming back. :( But at least I got a claw! :)
 Only this time its with wolf plushies. Ooh, look at that cute little wolf on the top! Ok, next, the Fashion girl.... in style.... my opinions.... is....  the girl in spirit armor! He he he... I pick her because its like the latest armor.
  That's all for today guys! Happy Jamming, bye!

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